Rise First Team
Executive Board
Core Team

As it takes a community to support first-generation low-income students in a scalable way, we greatly appreciate the following individuals who have supported us with their advice, time, and/or generous donations:
Amaliya Yunusova - Barbara Lock - Cathy DuRei Morrissey - Cathy Tran - Devansh and Shivali Patel - Douglas Renfield-Miller - Elizabeth Cribbs - Elizabeth Sahakyan - Esther Yu - Haeley Giambalvo - Isabelle Oktay - Ji Jun - Josephine Ybarra - Juan Figueroa - Katherine Montrone - Kahleen and Trevor Rozowsky - Lynn Cetin, M.D. - Margaret Stevens - Mary Smart - Nancy Chew - Nicole Hazard - Peggy Powers - Peggy Toye - Rob Rosenblatt - Samuel Stevens - Tom Kibarian - Ula Hwang - Valerie de Cruz - Veronica Zamora-Campos, M.D.